How Old Was King Tut When He Died Did King Tut Have a Baby
Tutankhamun was built-in in c1334 BC, possibly at Amarna, the city of his father, Akhenaten (though Tutankhamun's parentage is hotly disputed). Tutankhamun'southward mummy shows that he died when he was approximately 18 years old, but it is not known exactly how he died. Tutankhamun'due south body suffered harm at various stages – immediately before or immediately after death; during the curiously hasty mummification procedure; within the tomb (where a chemical reaction caused it to ignite in its coffin); and while beingness extracted from the coffin.
Obvious harm to Tutankhamun's chest and legs suggest an accident – perhaps a chariot or hunting accident, or death on the battlefield. Others accept suggested that Tutankhamun may have been murdered.
Today, Tutankhamun is ancient Egypt's most famous pharaoh. But how much do y'all actually know about the boy king? Here, historian Joyce Tyldesley brings you lot 8 lesser-known facts about Tutankhamun…

His original proper name was non Tutankhamun
Tutankhamun was originally named Tutankhaten. This name, which literally means "living image of the Aten", reflected the fact that Tutankhaten's parents worshipped a lord's day god known equally "the Aten". After a few years on the throne the young male monarch changed his religion, abandoned the Aten, and started to worship the god Amun [who was revered equally king of the gods]. This caused him to change his proper noun to Tutankhamun, or "living prototype of Amun".
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Tutankhamun was not, notwithstanding, the name past which his people knew him. Like all of Egypt's kings, Tutankhamun actually had 5 royal names. These took the form of curt sentences that outlined the focus of his reign. Officially, he was:
(i) Horus Name: Image of births
(ii) Two Ladies Proper noun: Beautiful of laws who quells the Two Lands/who makes content all the gods
(3) Golden Horus Proper name: Elevated of appearances for the god/his father Re
(4) Prenomen: Nebkheperure
(5) Nomen: Tutankhamun
His last 2 names, known today equally the prenomen and the nomen, are the names that we see written in cartouches (oval loops) on his monuments. We know him by his nomen, Tutankhamun. His people, however, knew him by his prenomen, Nebkheperure, which literally translates every bit "[the sun god] Re is the lord of manifestations".
Tutankhamun has the smallest royal tomb in the Valley of the Kings
The first pharaohs built highly conspicuous pyramids in Egypt's northern deserts. All the same, past the time of the New Kingdom (1550–1069 BC), this fashion had ended. Nearly kings were now cached in relative secrecy in rock-cutting tombs tunnelled into the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile at the southern urban center of Thebes (modernistic-24-hour interval Luxor). These tombs had inconspicuous doors, just were both spacious and well decorated inside.
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- What killed Tutankhamun?
Cemeteries carried their own potent magic, and dead kings were thought to have powerful spirits that might benefit others. Burial amidst his ancestors would have helped Tutankhamun to reach his ain afterlife. It therefore seems likely that Tutankhamun would have wished to be buried in a splendid tomb in either the master valley or in an adjunct, the Western Valley, where his gramps, Amenhotep Iii, was cached. Simply, whatever he may have intended, we know that Tutankhamun was actually buried in a cramped tomb cutting into the floor of the main valley.

Information technology may be that Tutankhamun simply died too young to complete his ambitious plans. His own tomb was unfinished, and and then he had to be buried in a substitute, non-royal tomb. However, this seems unlikely, every bit other kings managed to build suitable tombs in simply two or three years. Information technology seems far more likely that Tutankhamun's successor, Ay, a king who inherited the throne every bit an elderly man, made a strategic swap. Just iv years later Tutankhamun'southward death, Ay himself was buried in a fantabulous tomb in the Western Valley, close by the tomb of Amenhotep Three.
The unexpectedly pocket-sized size of Tutankhamun's tomb has led to recent suggestions that there may be parts as yet undiscovered. Currently Egyptologists are investigating the possibility that there may be secret chambers hidden behind the plastered wall of his burying bedchamber.
He was buried in a 2nd-hand coffin
Tutankhamun's mummy lay inside a nest of three aureate coffins, which fitted snugly one inside another like a gear up of Russian dolls. During the funeral ritual the combined coffins were placed in a rectangular rock sarcophagus. Unfortunately, the outer coffin proved to be slightly too big, and its toes peeked over the border of the sarcophagus, preventing the lid from closing. Carpenters were quickly summoned and the coffin'south toes were cutting away. More than 3,000 years later Howard Carter would find the fragments lying in the base of the sarcophagus.

All three of Tutankhamun's coffins were similar in style: they were "anthropoid", or human-class coffins, shaped to look like the god of the expressionless, Osiris, lying on his back and holding the crook and flail in his crossed arms. But the heart coffin had a slightly different style and its face up did not look similar the faces on other two coffins. Nor did it wait like the face on Tutankhamun'south death mask. Many Egyptologists now believe that this heart coffin – along with some of Tutankhamun's other grave goods – was originally made for the mysterious "Neferneferuaten" – an enigmatic private whose name is recorded in inscriptions and who may take been Tutankhamun'south immediate predecessor. Nosotros practice not know what happened to Neferneferuaten, nor how Tutankhamun came to exist buried in his or her coffin.
Tutankhamun loved to chase ostriches
Tutankhamun'south ostrich-plumage fan was discovered lying in his burying chamber, close by the male monarch'southward torso. Originally the fan consisted of a long gold handle topped by a semi-circular 'palm' that supported 42 alternating brown and white feathers. These feathers crumbled away long agone, but their story is preserved in writing on the fan handle. This tells us that that the feathers were taken from ostriches captured past the male monarch himself while hunting in the desert to the east of Heliopolis (near mod-day Cairo). The embossed scene on the palm shows, on one face, Tutankhamun setting off in his chariot to hunt ostrich, and on the opposite, the male monarch returning in triumph with his casualty.

Ostriches were important birds in ancient Egypt, and their feathers and eggs were prized every bit luxury items. Hunting ostriches was a royal sport that allowed the king to demonstrate his command over nature. It was a substitute for battle and, equally such, was a unsafe occupation. We can see that Tutankhamun's body was desperately damaged earlier he was mummified. Is the placement of his ostrich fan and then close to his torso significant? Is this, perhaps, someone'south style of telling us that the young king died following a fatal accident on an ostrich hunt?

Tutankhamun'south centre is missing
The ancient Egyptians believed that it was possible to live again after death, but thought that this could merely exist accomplished if the body was preserved in a lifelike condition. This led them to develop the scientific discipline of bogus mummification.
Essentially, mummification involved desiccating the body in natron table salt, and so wrapping information technology in many layers of bandages to preserve a lifelike shape. The trunk'south internal organs were removed at the commencement of the mummification process and preserved separately. The brain, its function and so unknown, was simply thrown away – the heart, rather than the brain, was regarded as the organ of reasoning. Every bit such, the heart would be required in the afterlife. It was therefore left in place and, if accidentally removed, immediately sewn dorsum; though not always in its original location.

Tutankhamun, however, has no eye. Instead he was provided with an amuletic scarab inscribed with a funerary spell. This may have happened simply considering the undertakers were careless, but it could also be a sign that Tutankhamun died far from habitation. Past the time his body arrived at the undertakers' workshop, his heart may accept been too decayed to be preserved.
1 of Tutankhamun'southward favourite possessions was an fe dagger
Howard Carter discovered two daggers advisedly wrapped within Tutankhamun's mummy bandages. One dagger had a gold blade, while the other had a blade made of iron. Each dagger had a aureate sheath. Of the two, the iron dagger was by far the more than valuable considering, during Tutankhamun's lifetime (he reigned from c1336–27 BC), iron, or "iron from the sky" as information technology was known, was a rare and precious metal. Equally its name suggests, Egypt'southward "iron from the sky" was well-nigh entirely obtained from meteorites.
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Several other iron objects were found in Tutankhamun'southward tomb: sixteen miniature blades, a tiny headrest and an amulet. The fact that these pieces are not particularly well fabricated, combined with their pocket-sized size, advise that they were made by local craftsmen who struggled to piece of work the rare meteorite fe.
The dagger blade, still, is very different. Beautifully crafted, it is probable to have been imported to Egypt from a region accustomed to working fe. The royal diplomatic archives tell u.s. that, several years before Tutankhamun'due south nativity, king Tushratta of Mitanni sent a metallic dagger to Arab republic of egypt as a souvenir to his new son-in-law, Amenhotep III. Given the rarity of good quality iron artefacts at this time, information technology is possible that Amenhotep's dagger was inherited by his grandson, Tutankhamun, and eventually buried with him. Given its prominent location inside the mummy bandages, it may even exist that Tushratta's dagger was used in Tutankhamun's mummification ritual.
Listen to Tarek El Awady hash out the remarkable artefacts buried with Arab republic of egypt's iconic boy king:
His trumpets have entertained an audition of more than 150 million
Tutankhamun's grave goods included a small collection of musical instruments: one pair of ivory clappers, 2 sistra (rattles) and two trumpets, 1 fabricated from silverish with a gold mouthpiece and the other made of bronze partially overlaid by aureate. This would not have made a very satisfactory orchestra, and information technology seems that music was non high on Tutankhamun's list of priorities for his afterlife. In fact, his trumpets should more properly be classified as military equipment, while his clappers and sistra are likely to have had a ritual purpose.

On xvi Apr 1939, the two trumpets were played in a BBC live radio circulate from Cairo Museum, which reached an estimated 150 meg listeners. Bandsman James Tappern used a modern mouthpiece, which caused damage to the argent trumpet. In 1941 the bronze trumpet was played once more, this time without a modern mouthpiece.
Some, influenced by the myth of "Tutankhamun'south curse", have claimed that the trumpets take the power to summon war. They have suggested that it was the 1939 broadcast which acquired Britain to enter the Second World State of war.
To listen to a prune of the circulate, click here.
Tutankhamun was buried in the earth'southward almost expensive bury
Two of Tutankhamun's 3 coffins were made of wood, covered with gold sheet. But, to Howard Carter's great surprise, the innermost bury was made from thick sheets of browbeaten gold. This coffin measures i.88m in length, and weighs 110.4kg. If information technology were to be scrapped today information technology would be worth well over £1m. But as Tutankhamun'south final resting place information technology is, of course, priceless.
Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley teaches a suite of online courses in Egyptology at the University of Manchester. She is the author of Tutankhamen'due south Curse: the Developing History of an Egyptian King (Contour 2012).
This article was first published by HistoryExtra in 2016
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